Draco Meteor "Meteor Shatter" - v1.00 vs v1.10 Comparison
Published on 2023-07-30 | Archived on 2024-02-08
Showcasing the nerf this spell got in the update. Main differences I notice are:
-One meteor on each ring around Ryouko in Phase 1 is removed, making the fireballs less dense and overall much less likely to wall you
-Mentos + flamethrower are slower, giving you more time
-Interval between each falling meteor on Phase 2 is bigger, making streaming a lot more reasonable
Sadly the phase transition bug still persists, but I have reported it, so it should be fixed on 1.10b.
Also don't mind the Disable text not appearing, and the Anomaly symbol and cancel/point items appearing on the 1.00 replay. This is because 1.10 runs a check to play old version replays, and since they have two different versions of this spell, the old one was probably put in another file that doesn't fully operate like Overdrive (and yet there's still no Harvest items despite that).
Replays recorded by Lushie.
Channel link: / @lushietilde
My Discord server: discord.gg/Vgm9BeP