Was the US Election of 1800 won by a Rap Battle?
Published on 2022-09-01 | Archived on 2023-11-24
Spent a long time trying to track down the article claiming that Jefferson had died but I could not find it on the Library of Congress website. If you don't know too much of the beef about Adams and Jefferson, I recommend looking into it cuz its wild. I enjoy making the little raps and I might try making a few more in the future. Let me know what other history shaping rap battles or diss track I have missed.
Music Used:
"Keys Of Moon - Silhouette of War" is under a Creative Commons (CC-BY 3.0) license
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: bit.ly/bkc-silhouette
"Finally" by Loxbeats soundcloud.com/loxbeats
Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Unported- CC
BY 3.0
Free Download: bit.ly/FinallyLoxbeats
Music promoted by Audio Library youtu.be/