Long Critique Is Not Deep Critique (feat. Patricia Taxxon)
Published on 2019-01-19 | Archived on 2023-11-24
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MauLer's Channel: youtube.com/user/TheMauLerYT/
As YouTube broadens the potential for longer and more in-depth content than ever before, media critics seem to be trending more and more towards these extremely long dissections of films, TV shows and video-games. It’s a model that can be used well, or poorly - and in examining the content of MauLer, one of its most popular proponents, myself and Patricia Taxxon have found ourselves with quite a lot to say. Let’s see if we can work out whether the Unbridled Rager is, in fact, objectively bad.
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Noah Caldwell-Gervais - youtube.com/user/broadcaststsatic
Raycevik - / @raycevick
Dan Olson - / @foldingideas
Lindsay Ellis - youtube.com/user/chezapoctube
NoClip - / @noclipdocs
Tehsnakerer - / @tehsnakerer