Putin's War on Ukraine. Will Putin use Nuclear Weapons? Is Putin the Antichrist 666?
Published on 2022-03-07 | Archived on 2023-11-25
Putin's War on Ukraine. Will Putin use Nuclear Weapons? Will Russian President Putin start a nuclear war over Ukraine? Is Putin the Antichrist of Revelation 13? Will Putin use nuclear weapons against NATO in the Ukraine invasion? The Russia-China bear-dragon alliance of Revelation 13. Predictions of the Future, for year 2022 and after, by Astrology and Prophecies of Revelation.
Prophecies of the future. Book of Revelation, Astrology.
The Antichrist 666 rises to power.
The Biblical Book of Revelation prophecies, predictions of future world events.
See the prophecies of the future website revelation13.net for more on this:
And see this page on Nostradamus prophecies:
(Recorded March 7 2022)
Copyright 2022 by T. Chase.
From the Revelation13.net web site, for more on this see Revelation13.net (Revelation 13: Prophecies of the Future, Astrology, Nostradamus, Bible Prophecy, the King James version English Bible Code).