Cold War Speedrun
Published on 2023-04-01 | Archived on 2024-02-10
How COLD was the COLD War, actually???
When we think about the Cold War, we often think about the nuclear arms race and stalemate, anti-communist/anti-capitalist rhetoric and propaganda, and economic conflict. Even Encyclopedia Britannica says that the peak of the Cold War was from 1948 to 1953.
But what this kind of perspective ignores is the US and Soviet involvement in, and escalation of, various geopolitical conflicts between 1945 and the 1980s. Although the "war" between the USA and USSR never got directly "hot", it got really dang hot for a lot of other countries around the world.
And that's because many global conflicts were drawn into the cold war by proxy! A proxy war is when one or multiple countries use another country's conflict as a substitute for fighting each other directly. Which is what the US and Soviet Union (and their allies) did, all over the world.
So while the Cold War was cold for the USA, USSR, and their allies... it was really freakin' hot for a lot of other countries.
War is never without casualties.
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