Mormon Shaggy and Toxic Angel BREAK-UP BLOODSPORTS Part 2
Published on 2023-01-30 | Archived on 2024-02-07
From November 21st/22nd, 2022. Has some surprises at the end! Timestamps:
01:28 Intro ends. Mormon Shaggy streamsnipe seething starts.
01:51 Not banning me from chat = hanging with Shaggy's alogs.
02:12 Mormon Shaggy brags about getting more viewers than Toxic Angel, which ended up being under 500 views total.
02:31 Shaggy thinks that I or Erik never ever would troll Toxic until now.
03:25 Shaggy admits he refuses to go on Toxic's show because he can't sweep chat. Really hurt by mean comments, bud?
03:58 Shaggy says he'll not return to Toxic's show.
05:39 Shaggy seethes over me laughing at his insane delusions.
07:11 Shaggy brags about all the cool people he's met in Axle's community. How about Pamperchu or Cyndar?
08:25 Shaggy wishes Boko Haram would cut off Erik the Ghost's arms.
09:50 Shaggy seethes hard over his name being posted in chat.
10:49 Apparently I'm going to start alogging and going after Toxic hard? Oh wait, that was Mormon Shaggy who proceeded to go after Toxic & his family.
14:04 Shaggy demands I get doxed for being kind towards Toxic. Not even joking.
14:42 Shaggy flagging me live with THREE FLAGS!!
17:24 Shaggy clicks on a video of mine to flag, accidentally reveals he watched 50+ minutes of it! Oops!
21:45 Shaggy lies, says I wasn't one of the people wishing him well in the hospital. I did spread word via Twitter and expressed sympathy.
22:40 Shaggy has a nuclear level meltdown over Toxic questioning his swatting story.
24:56 Shaggy cries over me calling his lawsuit a "lolsuit" on a video that had 150 views.
28:49 Shaggy starts attacking Mister Metokur for being sick, which is hilarious because Shaggy would later try crying about me making fun of Metokur while he's sick. Big difference!
33:23 Shaggy copes over the original meltdown stream, acts like Axle didn't cover it or others didn't reupload.
34:15 I made 1 video on Shaggy in like 3 months and he makes dozens of streams on me, but I'm the one following him around.
36:39 DJ axle calls in to gaslight Shaggy and lie about Toxic.
39:33 Axle tries denying Toxic had an issue with his boss entirely and pushes the meth addict stuff that isn't true, exactly what Shaggy wants to hear.
44:13 DJ axle openly brags about trying to isolate Mormon Shaggy from other people.
46:40 Axle & Shaggy conflate them mass false flagging me via YouTube report, with legitimate youtube DMCA claims.
48:12 Shaggy complains about me insulting him, but then immediately Axle & Shaggy try making fun of me for "sucking up to Shaggy".
50:45 Shaggy and Axle propose using Bells of Nevemore to try to flag me down, which is funny cause a week later Shaggy would totally burn the Bells bridge.
51:20 Axle gaslights Shaggy on me being Earjuice, then Shaggy claims everybody thinks I'm earjuice.
55:10 Shaggy brags about having 28 live viewers and beating out Toxic.
59:10 Shaggy brags about his jail record, including assault with a deadly weapon more than once.
01:07:20 Sociopath Shaggy pretends he's moved by Toxic crying and expresses sympathy for Toxic's dad. A few weeks later it got leaked that Shaggy was waiting for Toxics dad to get sick or die to alog him.
01:12:50 Shaggy refuses to get ad block. Good goy!
01:13:26 Toxic stream with Earjuice, Hypa and an old roommate of Toxic continues from the end of part 1.
01:21:40 Hypa and EJ call out Grossly.
01:37:27 Hypa & EJ leaves.
01:59:10 Toxic calls out Mormon Shaggy for using Axle as his attack dog and threatening him on people.
02:04:40 Shaggy joins again on cam, brings Axle as backup because he's so pathetic he can't handle Toxic by himself.
02:05:40 Mormon Shaggy vs Toxic BLOODSPORTS.
02:06:50 Axle lies to Toxic and tries claiming Earjuice is conspiring against Toxic behind his back.
02:08:13 "I don't hide behind drugs"
02:08:28 Toxic absolutely puts Mormon Shaggy in his place and calls him out for the miserable, spiteful weirdo he is.
02:18:25 Axle desperately tries messing with Toxic and lying about Earjuice to take advantage of the situation.
02:25:49 Shaggy returns
02:30:25 Axle starts trying to lecture Toxic on the swattings, which is really rich given that Axle would later blame Lizard.
02:47:50 Toxic's sharting story.
02:49:47 Toxic turns on his camera.
02:57:05 Axle leaves.
04:03:20 Toxic covers why Shaggy was so butthurt.
04:04:45 Toxic on Earjuice being Esoteric Shaggyism, and how Shaggy told Toxic to go after people.
04:10:34 Toxic brings up a good point, if I'm earjuice why would I pretend not to be prior to the Axle stuff?
04:12:40 Toxic complains about EJ's documentary on Axle because Toxic avows aladrian's death.
04:22:03 Toxic realizes how much Shaggy has been messing with him.
04:30:45 Toxic says he's never seen Shaggy take care of his dad or grandparents.
05:27:26 Shaggy's stream attacking Hypa's kids in response for hypa being in my chat saying "🤣🤣🤣".
See replies for full timestamps!